Body, like an onion.
This analogy helps visualize the layers of BEING, from the most gross, tangible layers to the subtle, intangible core.
According to yoga philosophy, the human experience is believed to consist of different layers or dimensions, known as koshas. These koshas represent the various levels of our being, each one intricately interconnected with the others. One way to visualize these layers is by considering the analogy of an onion. Just like an onion has several layers that gradually become more subtle, our being also consists of different veils that progressively reveal deeper aspects of ourselves. In this article, I will outline the five Koshas in yoga philosophy. The concept of koshas, although not altogether tangible, play a major role in my inner dialogue, as well as in my clinical massage intakes. The question “how are you feeling” will take on a whole new meaning.
Sitting with eyes closed, what sensations do I notice in my physical body? Breathing in, breathing out. My breath does not live on my skin. Reading this message, my voice sings in my mind. My thoughts do not live on my breath. In this way, one can sift their worldview down to their core. Who am I, really?
When I can be the witness
all manner of miracles occur-
old wounds heal, the past
reveals itself to be released,
present dramas play themselves
out without sinking emotional
talons into my soft skin. The
witness welcomes truth and
dares to meet reality on its
own terms, It is the ground
in which the seeds of
transformation take root
and finally flower. when
the witness is awake, the
lake of mind is still, and
in that mirrored surface,
I see my own true face as
Spirit smiling back at me.Danna Faulds from Go in and In
Annamaya Kosha
The Physical body or the "food sheath" encompasses the tangible aspects of our existence, including the muscles, bones, organs, and all bodily systems. Annamaya Kosha is intricately linked to our nourishment and physical well-being.
How can I nourish my self?
What happens when I consume too much, not enough?
Pranamaya Kosha
The energetic sheath, encompasses the vital life force known as Prana, Qi, etc.
Practices like Pranayama [breath work] or Asana [movement] can influence the quality of energy flowing through ones body.
Three-Part Breathing / Complete Breath - a pranayama practice to control the breath & promote harmony in the body.
Surya Namaskar [sun salutation] - a traditional asana to strengthen & discipline the physical body.
When I am feeling down, when I am feeling anxiety, anger, too much, how can I restore balance with my breath and with my actions?
Manomaya Kosha
Encompasses the mind and emotions. It governs our thoughts, beliefs, influences our perception of the world and shapes our responses to it. Within Manomaya kosha, we find our individuality, our personal history, and the intricate network of our mental processes.
Sitting in silence, where are my thoughts? How long will my mind bounce, until the calm washes over?
What would I be without this thought?
Vijnanamaya Kosha
The mind beyond the mind
The "wisdom sheath” is associated with intuition, and self-awareness. It is where we tap into our higher mind, where we engage in introspection and reflection, seeking to understand the true nature of ourselves and the world around us.
Is there a difference between I think & I know?
Anandamaya Kosha
The “bliss sheath”, is pure consciousness, the core essence of who we are. It is in this state that we find ourselves in complete harmony with the universe, effortlessly transcending the limitations of the material world.
“In happiness you are jumping, in unhappiness you are dull – sometimes low, sometimes high. So your mind is swinging. In ananda there is no swinging. There is unified experience and that experience does not change.”
Indulging in your favorite treat, taken by ecstasy, every cell in your body participating in the experience, this is a moment of bliss.
Can I weave small moments of bliss into the masterpiece that is my ideal life?
Just as peeling the layers of an onion reveals a more concentrated and potent center, delving into the different koshas unravels the essence of our being. The ability to sense the subtle layers of intuition & bliss may be a challenge without training & a sharpened awareness. I will not outline the eight limbs of yoga here BUT Concentration [Dharana] & Meditation [Dhyana], will be essential in cultivating the awareness necessary for looking deeply at oneself. Meditation, the nonjudgmental observation of stimuli in my awareness. Concentration, a singular focus; whenever my mind enters from my focus, I bring it back.
Massage is an intimate practice. Not only does the practitioner touch a clients physical body, their skin, their Annamaya Kosha, a skilled practitioner feels deep into their client, perhaps guiding the client deep into themselves. Some clients say they want a “strong” massage, filled with elbows and vigorous sensations, although I can deliver on those requests, the true nature of my work is much more subtle.
If you are a client of mine, what do you think? Does this resonate with you? Has your experience of bodywork with Ikigai changed the way you perceive, receive, or request massage services? Let me know.
Remember always,
Start with a breath.